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A memory output refers to a type of secondary adapter that handles data storage and retrieval using in-memory structures rather than external databases or file systems. This can be particularly useful for caching, temporary data storage, or scenarios where persistence is not required.

By implementing a memory output as a secondary adapter, Torpedo maintains its principles of decoupling and flexibility, allowing the core application logic to remain independent of the storage mechanism used.

Spec definition

The spec definition can be set via $.spec.adapters.output.memory. An example of it could be:

Output adapter Memory sample
    - type: memory

Torpedo Query Language

This adapter doesn't support TQL query

Memory repository implementation

Torpedo implements a memory repository on top of a key-value map which is not thread safe. All CRUD operations are supported, however Torpedo Query (TQL) operation is not supported.


Each Repository Adapter implements the entity port interface named IRepository that extends from IRepositoryBase. So, if you have to add repository methods, please add it on the IRepository interface.

Once torpedo command generates the code the outcome will be:

  memoryRepositoryBase <|-- MemoryRepository
  memoryRepositoryBase : map[id]DMO data 
  memoryRepositoryBase : []byte cryptoKey 

  memoryRepositoryBase: +Save(entity) error
  memoryRepositoryBase: +FetchByID(id) (Entity, error)
  memoryRepositoryBase: +Update(entity) error
  memoryRepositoryBase: +DeleteByID(id) error

As developer

As a developer your repository methods MUST BE written into the MemoryRepository class in order to avoid that Torpedo code generation tool overwrite your code!

Storage source

As a developer the data source can be accessed directly from the MemoryRepository due to has an aggregation with memoryRepositoryBase.

Data Mapper Object (DMO)

DMOs are the selected objects to map your entity data into a secondary adapter or storage adapter. This objects has te capability to encrypt or decrypt field values at save/update or fetch operations. Because of this a crypto key must be passed as parameter at Repository constructor function.

Each time that a repository is created the encryption key must be provided.

AES key

The key argument should be the AES key, either 16, 24, or 32 bytes to select AES-128, AES-192, or AES-256.

It is possible to add custom fields to this object manually as member of the object named DMO.


The memory repository can be provided inline as part of the entity provider, the next one is a sample code:

Following the example of the section Extending Entity with custom fields we will need to bind a memory repository to the entity service like the example below:

dependency/sensor.go | SensorProvider
package dependency

import (
    sensorHTTP ""
    sensorRepo ""


type SensorProvider struct {

    // sensor service instance to be provided.
    service sensor.IService `torpedo.di:"provide"`

    // sensor repository instance to be provided.
    repo sensor.IRepository `torpedo.di:"provide"`

    // logger instance provided by LoggerProvider.
    logger log.ILogger `torpedo.di:"bind"`

    // storageKey is the crypto key to encode encrypted fields at storage level.
    storageKey []byte `torpedo.di:"bind,name=STORAGE_KEY"`

    // apiV1 group to register endpoints
    apiV1 *gin.RouterGroup `torpedo.di:"bind,name=APIv1"`

    // private fields initialized by constructor
    cfg conf.Map

func NewSensorProvider(config conf.Map) *SensorProvider {
    return &SensorProvider{cfg: config}

// Provide provides instances.
func (p *SensorProvider) Provide(c app.IContainer) error {

    // -- Repo (output) ---
    p.repo = sensorRepo.NewMemoryRepository(p.storageKey) //(1)!

    // -- Service (business logic)
    p.service = sensor.NewService(p.repo, p.logger)

    // -- Controller (input) --
    controller := sensorHTTP.NewInputGin(p.service, p.logger)

    return nil
  1. Memory repository is set in line and not needs a driver or different provider.