The logging is one of the most important practice that developers follow to have available information about any possible issue or application behaviour.
In Go there are a lot of available loggers with different APIs and implementation patterns. Because of that, Torpedo defines a simple interface
that match with the official package log/slog
and can be implemented by anyone or even any logger can be adapted to this interface via a wrapper struct.
| type ILogger interface {
Debug(msg string, args ...any)
Info(msg string, args ...any)
Warn(msg string, args ...any)
Error(msg string, args ...any)
Logger Provider
Torpedo creates a logger provider out-of-the-box injecting an instance of log.ILogger
that can be bound fron other providers.
| package dependency
import (
type LoggerProvider struct {
// logger instance to be provided
logger log.ILogger `torpedo.di:"provide"`
// private fields initialized by constructor
cfg conf.Map
func NewLoggerProvider(config conf.Map) *LoggerProvider {
return &LoggerProvider{cfg: config}
// Provide provides the logger instance.
func (p *LoggerProvider) Provide(c app.IContainer) error {
// read log level from configuration. Info will be by default if not found.
sLvl := conf.SlogLevel(p.cfg.FetchStringOrElse("info", "level"))
// creating log instance as singleton.
p.logger = slog.New(slog.NewJSONHandler(os.Stdout, &slog.HandlerOptions{Level: sLvl}))
return nil