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Key concepts


A fact is a representatioon of a variable that stores a value.

  • Each fact represents an object's attribute, like User.birthday
  • Each fact only can be defined as one of the supported types: String Number Float Boolean Date


A term represents one side of a condition, could be a fact or could be a discrete value.


The condition is a boolean sentence which after its evaluation the result can be true or false.

  • Ex. User.birthday > 1984-10-22
  • A condition must have a Fact term as left term.
    • Invalid: 2000 >= Trip.miles
    • Valid: Trip.miles <= 2000


The rule is a collection of conditions under the operator All or Any

  • All: The rule will be valid (true) when all contained conditions are true after its evaluation
  • Any: The rule will be valid (true) when at least one contained condition is true after its evaluation


The ruleset is a group of rules defined by the user.

The ruleset exposes a context where the facts are registered and evaluated on each rule into the ruleset when a change happens


A context groups the facts involved on the rule activation that belongs to a ruleset.